Well, It Seemed Like a Good Idea

The day we almost frightened our mother to death started out very much like today, a morning with a sparkling sky, so blue that it looked like it had just been painted and left to dry.  I’ll always remember it as the day Dad’s hammer disappeared.  It was his new hammer, the red-headed one that reminded me of the woodpeckers who lived in our pine tree.

“You play in the yard today,” Mother said to my brother and me.  “I don’t want to go searching for you if I need you.”  She was nine months pregnant with my sister, Karen, and who knew when she would need to rush to the hospital.  My sister was past due and Mother didn’t like to be alone while she was waiting for her to make her appearance.  My brother and I had spent the entire month of June playing in our yard while our friends were at the beach.

That particular day we had run out of things to amuse ourselves, and that’s what got us into trouble.  Actually, it was my brother who got us into trouble while I stood by and watched.  I was afraid to try new adventures, especially if they held an element of danger.  My brother, on the other hand, was fearless.

“How about building a tree house?” my brother suggested.  “I’ve always wanted one.”

“But I don’t know how to build anything and I can’t climb trees,” I protested.

“I’ll do the building, and I’ll even make you a rope ladder to climb up with.  All you have to do is watch and keep me company.”

I was good at watching.  It’s what I liked to do best when I was with my brother.  Besides, where else was I going to go?  So I watched.  I watched him survey all the trees in the yard until he decided on the pine tree in the back corner.  I watched him go into the garage and emerge with Dad’s red-headed hammer, a handful of nails, and one sturdy board.  I watched him start to climb the tree, and half an hour later, I watched him finally make it to the top.

Before I go any further, I should tell you something about this tree.  It was the tallest tree in our yard, towering over the largest maple.  In fact, I’m sure it was the tallest tree in our neighborhood.  That is why it took my brother so long to get to the top.

“Hey, Susan, I can see the ocean from here!”  my brother called.  The top of the tree began to sway under his weight as he shouted excitedly.

“Are there any whitecaps?” I yelled back, longing to be at the beach.  It never occurred to me that my brother was in danger at the top of that old pine tree, clinging to the thin trunk as it swayed back and forth.

“No, no white caps.  It’s low tide because I can just make out the sand bar.”

Mother had been in the kitchen washing the breakfast dishes and singing.  The singing abruptly stopped when she heard my brother’s hollering.  His voice seemed so far away.  And how could he possibly see the ocean when our house was half a mile away?

“Where’s Mark?” Mother asked as she waddled out to the yard.

“He’s in the pine tree,” I said.

Mother searched the tree, shading her eyes with her hand.  “I don’t see him.”

“He’s that little dot way up there at the top.”  I pointed.

“Mark, you come down this instant!” Mother said, grabbing her bulging stomach, her voice rising in panic.

Our neighbor, Mr. Benson, came running over.  “Don’t yell at the boy.  You’ll only make him nervous,” he said.  “Mark, you come down slowly. Take your time, you hear?”

Half an hour later Mark was standing back on Earth, empty-handed, my mother’s arms around him, first shaking him, then squeezing him, then back to shaking him again.  My brother and I didn’t mention the tree-house project, so Dad never connected it with the disappearance of his hammer, a mystery that perplexed him for years after that.  That was fifty-five years ago, but, unless someone has made it to the top of that old pine tree, there should still be one red-headed hammer up there, waiting for a boy to build a tree house.

About Coming East

I am a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother who thinks you're never too old until you're dead. My inspiration is Grandma Moses who became a successful artist in her late 70's. If I don't do something pretty soon, though, I'll have to find someone older for inspiration.
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248 Responses to Well, It Seemed Like a Good Idea

  1. oldereyes says:

    I love childhood nostalgia pieces … you may have inspired me to do one soon. Your brother reminds me of a certain child actor, but as my wife and son would point out, I don’t know any actor’s names.

  2. This is my favorite post of yours, because it’s how I found you…

  3. mrngstr333 says:

    I remember this blog. I think it was the very first one of yours I read, or close to the first one. Nicely done.

  4. I love family stories, just like this one. I look forward to reading more.
    This so much reminds me of my brother and his friend who lived behind us. They built a tree house with the help of his dad and all the neighbor kids, boys and girls climbed up to enjoy it.

  5. Pingback: Seven Links Challenge | Coming East

  6. realanonymousgirl2011 says:

    What a great story!

  7. CONIEFOX says:

    Great post! Thank you for sharing!!!

  8. Ruglovermary says:

    I was expecting a bad outcome to your story and was glad that he didn’t fall out of the tree. Me and my brother and next door neighbours built many tree forts (as we called them) and I was the only one that ever got hurt. I broke a rung f our make shift ladder with my foot and then my knee broke two more rungs. I had to get 7 stitches and couldn’t bend my knee for over a week. I was 13 at the time and was teased and mocked by all the cute boys on school. I still have the scar.
    You are a very good story teller. I felt like I was you, your brother and mother all through the tale. Well done.

  9. stace8383 says:

    Haha great story, very well told!! I have an older brother too, but he was such a goody-two-shoes 😦 Oh, except for the time he convinced me to climb on this freaking huge rock with him, then fell off and sprained his ankle.

  10. Just saying you are a beautiful writer.

  11. Tracey says:

    This post made me think of when my brother and I were younger and constantly getting in trouble (all his fault) including the time we thought it would be a great idea to crack open black walnuts using a large log. (my cousin’s finger will never be the same) Thanks so much for sharing your story and letting me indulge in some nostalgia! Congrats on being FP! Well deserved!

  12. yen says:

    I loved the story and the photo and how you narrated it. By the way, this post came out in FP today. 🙂

  13. Endearing story! As a child, I always wanted a big brother. I envisioned he’d be my protector while we went on exciting adventures. Instead I had two older sisters who weren’t very adventuresome. They just got angry with me when I got into their stuff. 😀

  14. wingmind says:

    “That was fifty-five years ago, but, unless someone has made it to the top of that old pine tree, there should still be one red-headed hammer up there, waiting for a boy to build a tree house.”

    That genuinely made me laugh.

  15. Shafzy says:

    55years?? you have a brilliant memory, the way u remember all the minute details… It sure did seem like a good idea 🙂 …. I wonder what happened to that hammer… did u guys ever tell ur dad?

  16. dancingbeastie says:

    (Eeek, sorry for duplication. Having a bit of a senior moment clearly! Either URL will do.)

  17. What a lovely, well-written post. As a kid I wanted a tree house, but seeing as the only tree in the front yard was a short well-loved mango tree and the backyard was barren, that dream went up in smoke. I still carried some hope in me until we moved to an apartment. I’ve been living in apartments ever since. Oh well. Maybe the next generation. 😉

    Again, beautiful post and congratz on being Freshly Pressed.

  18. Jim jakosh says:

    I’d have climbed back up there and got that new hammer

  19. Unlelss…there’s a strong wind. Then you might get clobbered standing under that tree! :/

  20. dancingbeastie says:

    What a beautifully written story. With a big brother of my own, I can completely agree that any trouble we got into was All His Fault. 😉 I’m so glad that you were Freshly Pressed and that I found your blog. (Even if the FP experience can be a little surreal for the writer!) Congratulations.

  21. Of the few times I wish I had siblings, reading this post by you was one! Lovely narration, right till the end…
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  22. Ivana says:

    I found accidentally your site. Yours is a very interesting story, while I was reading it I imagined the scene like a movie.. 🙂 I think that remember it today gives a little more worryng memory.. as you said. Very funny and sweet your conclusion with the one red-headed hammer waiting for a boy to build a tree house.. Bye.
    Ivana from Italy.

  23. Hahaha! I have 4 brothers and this reminds me of their bright ideas.
    Our house is far off the city and surrounded by lots and lots of trees. I still have scars from all the climbing we did.

    • comingeast says:

      Good for you for getting in there with them instead of hanging back like I always did, enjoying life’s adventures vicariously! Glad to have brought back some memories for you.

  24. 7des7iny says:

    mmm, DIY tree house project 🙂
    Fun but care for safety.

  25. sidhu89 says:

    “childhood” the most beautiful part of our lives…………….thanx 4 sharing yours with all of us………may be i’ll share mine too this weekend……………..your ‘about me’ section was a reflection of yours i like that 🙂

  26. Dare Right says:

    What a fantastic story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  27. sidhu89 says:

    “childhood” the most beautiful part of our lives…………….thanx 4 sharing yours with all of us………may be i’ll share mine too this weekend…………….. 🙂

  28. Patti Ross says:

    Great story and story-telling! The latter is an art you have mastered. This story also brought up memories of two nephews who did something comparable with the tallest tree in the area when they were about 5 & 6. I stood looking up not knowing what to do other than worry. They too survived!

  29. mkeeffer says:

    Nice storytelling – thanks for sharing this with us!

  30. Leah says:

    Okay too funny! I just saw this on Freshly Pressed and was like, “Hey, I know her and I read that post last week!” Congrats on being featured today!

  31. Generating Creativity says:

    Wow, that was a very entertaining story. Makes me wish I grew up with siblings to build tree houses with.

  32. Cherszy says:

    Cute story! So, you guys never went back to finish (or start on) the tree-building project? I think it would have been a lot of fun (and memorable too).

  33. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. I think all older kids tend to get their siblings into trouble …not just older brothers 🙂

    • comingeast says:

      Thanks, F.C. My sister was nearly eight years younger, so I never got her into trouble because she grew up as nearly an only child. Plus, I was a goody-two-shoes. How boring!

  34. pihu says:

    very cute loved reading your post.

  35. pihu says:

    loved you post. Very cute!

  36. Kay at Blue Speckled Pup says:

    This story reminded me of my monkey brother, many years ago. Thanks for bringing back some fond memories, and congratulations on Freshly Pressed.

  37. thedogwoof says:

    Haha! I always watched my brother do fun stuff I thought I couldn’t (or shouldn’t!). Great blog!

  38. monicruz says:

    Cute story! And I love the fact that your dad still doesn’t know what happened to his red-headed hammer, very funny!!

  39. Julia says:

    What a lovely story!

  40. What a beautiful photo! A simple tale well told. Have you ever climbed a tree? It’s wonderful. I spent my whole childhood climbing to the top of frightening trees to prove to the boys that girls are better. That’s what you get with a feminist mother!!!

    Thanks for sharing and congrats on Freshly Pressed.

  41. Cute story! I had a magnolia tree I loved to climb as a child. I’d get at 40-50 feet high and would sit up there and look around. It had a ton of branches so it was pretty easy to climb… so no accidents and my parents didn’t seem to mind.

    • comingeast says:

      Magnolia trees are great for climbing because their branches are so dense. There weren’t any magnolia’s in Connecticut, though, and I was a wimp, so even if there were, I wouldn’t have stayed on the ground. You were indeed a brave little creature!

  42. I’m new to WordPress and I’m trying to write good stories like this myself. This is really good! I don’t know if I’ll ever be this good at writing. But if you have time, I’d really appreciate any feedback on a story I just posted.
    Again, I really love this post! It is amazingly written. 😀

  43. kipie99 says:

    I loved this story. it reminded me of the time i climbed to the top of a pine tree when i was younger. touching story!
    Can you visit my blog too and leave a comment?

  44. These are the kinds of stories you can tell your kids. :)) Can’t wait to share my stories with mine in 15 years. 🙂 Great story and lovely photo. 🙂

  45. huffygirl says:

    Finally! Congratulations on being FP’d. Great story and glad to see it out there today. You deserve it. If your dad is still around, at least now he knows where his hammer is!

  46. A. Jane says:

    You were lucky that Karen didn’t make an early entrance. 🙂

    (Your story made me smile, and I don’t think the emote expresses a smile as well as frankness. <3)

  47. Mark says:

    Congrats Sis!

  48. Jimmy says:

    “Actually, it was my brother who got us into trouble while I stood by and watched.”

    Big brothers everywhere find that line a bit specious.

    Lovely story, though!

  49. Congrats, CE! And I’ can’t wait to read your next chapter! Love your touching stories.

  50. martko1964 says:

    What a great story. Your fearless brother reminds me of my own brother who never turned away from an adventure. Thanks for posting.

  51. jcalanayan says:

    Awww….very cute.

  52. mystereum says:

    Wonderfully told story! Thanks Mucho!

  53. Great story!!!! How fun to grow up by the ocean. 🙂 I wonder why a storm never blew it out of the tree? LOL It’s a wonder it did not put your Mom into labor when she saw him!

  54. huffygirl says:

    Finally! Congratulations on being FP’d. Great story and glad to see it out there today. You deserve it.

  55. sugarsnap says:

    Loved this. Sharing it with my mom whose brother was always getting into trouble, too. I hope you keep posting!

  56. Kerry says:

    Loved the story! I have two boys like this, and they did something a little similar when I was pregnant with their little sister, that ended up in a trip to the Hospital and a broken collar bone for the younger one!! Definately sympathize with your Mother!! My youngest Son is the daredevil, and tree climber. When he was 3 he stacked a riding car toy and other large objects against the truck of our huge Oak tree and climbed up to a section that would hold him like a fort, yet on his 3rd try – to show me he could do it, He fell! However he jumped up immeadiately saying “I’m OK- I’m Ok!! After that my Husband and I nailed little boards across the Trunk and attached a knotted rope, so he could climb up the tree trunk. Made us feel better.

  57. Well done! This was a simple sketch with a sort of nostalgic feel, which is what really drew me in. Starting off with telling us what we’re building toward was a useful hook. The perplexity of the hammer there at the end is funny too. This was a pleasant read!

  58. ournote2self says:

    That’s hilarious that the hammer is still up there. Great story! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  59. Rebecca says:

    I think there’s two components here as to why this entry is SO amazing: The memory itself (of course) and the way you pieced it all together. The story felt like a gentle puzzle that each reader could put together. I felt a great sense of relief that your brother made it down from the tree safe, as well as the aching anxiety your mother must have felt seeing him up there, despite the fact that I don’t actually know what it’s like to be a mother.

    Thank you for sharing your happiness with the world.

    • comingeast says:

      Wow! Thank you so much for your gracious comments. I don’t think you have to be a mother to sympathize with those kind of emotional feelings. I appreciate your taking the time to comment.

  60. gmom says:

    Oh what a great story.
    I love how you and your brother the tree climber kept talking while he climbed. I can see the ocean, I can see the beach! It’s just so sweet. The pregnant mother torn between shaking the boy and hugging him. Who can’t relate to that? The neighbor in his wisdom telling her not to yell at the boy but to coax him down gently.
    It’s just the perfect summer story.

    • comingeast says:

      Thank you so much for reading my story and taking the time to comment. That memory just seemed so vivid the day I wrote about it because it was also in June on a beautiful clear day. My brother continued to be a daredevil, even in his adult life. By the way, he’s still alive! LOL!

  61. hiit says:

    Amazing story, thanks!

  62. Bill Tucker says:

    I enjoyed this story when I first read it and upon rereading it I like it even more. A great memoir; congratulations on being Fresh Pressed.

  63. Avi says:

    great story, just felt that ending was sudden. I wanted to read more abt it ended ! Gud one.

  64. lillian3020 says:

    this is a good story i broke many bones climbing trees.haha. so did my brother. nice one:)

  65. This is such a beautiful story and so well told. I came across you on Freshly Pressed and am having a little nostalgic cry – absolutely wonderful!

  66. Emily says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited to finally see you on Freshly Pressed.

  67. GD says:

    Never climbed higher than ten feet in a tree and I’m starting to think I’ve missed out on a lot of life. Great story; you have such a fresh way of bringing a reader into your life. Thank you for this post.

    My writing blog: http://shelleddreams.wordpress.com/

    Great post, I’m looking forward to more.

  68. fictionworms says:

    I’ve always wanted to have a tree house too! But I never had one, so I guess I will fulfil that dream when I’m older and have my own house and kids 😀
    BTW, what a beautiful photo!

  69. Autumn says:

    so funny and beautiful!!! 🙂

  70. einefeistyberg says:

    Oh, wow! Any idea how much further up that hammer is now? Pine trees grow so much in 55 years!

  71. einefeistyberg says:

    Oh wow! Any guesses on how MUCH further up that hammer is? Pine trees grow so much in 55 years!

  72. Ah, that takes me back a bit….. Not to doing things with my brother as I’m an only child but to the memories of all those things I used to get up to that my parents never knew about:

    Swinging from tree rope swing from the tallest tree on the bank of the river. climbing down the sewer pipe exit near the stream at the bottom of the street and following it all the way back and under the road to the manhole cover and playing Spiderman with the local boys on top of the local mop factory roof, which was accessed by climbing up the fire escape ladders! Oh, and did I mention setting fire to the girls toilet block in school???

    Brothers, who needs ’em?

  73. the happy (sappy) blog says:

    Really enjoyed reading your story!! I could imagine the whole thing!

  74. Excellent story! I can see your mom’s bursting belly and the little speck of your brother up in the tree. Your voice is delightful. I’m glad to have found you and I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

  75. Wonderful writing! I especially love your imagery of “a sparkling sky, so blue that it looked like it had just been painted and left to dry.”

  76. ostbear says:

    This is STELLAR. I love stories like this, they are truly amazing. My “Brother” and I got up to hijinks like this and reading this spurred me to pick up the phone and give him a call. Bravo!


  77. tliou says:

    This story is so adorable. 🙂 I love reminiscing childhood memories.

  78. gaycarboys says:

    this is such a cute post and such a cute piccie. thanks for sharing. (ssshhhh don’t tell papa)

  79. Lafemmeroar says:

    Love this line: Mark was standing back on Earth. Good writing is good thinking. Great story 🙂 So … the winds of time never brought the hammer back on earth?

    • comingeast says:

      I bet the hammer fell down in a storm, but since we moved away and I’ll never know its fate, I prefer to picture it still up at the top of that tree. Thanks for your comment.

  80. Eva McCane says:

    great story! thanks for sharing

  81. beckyyk says:

    I’m glad your brother made it down safe. That was a suspenseful story!

  82. ashedit says:

    Nicely done. Great job.
    Elaine Ash

  83. Beautiful! I wonder where that hammer is now?

    • comingeast says:

      I have to believe it fell out of the tree in a storm one day. Never heard a story of someone getting killed by a falling hammer in their back yard, so if it did fall, at least we weren’t responsible for someone’s death! Of course, it could still be there.

  84. Reading you story gave me the chills. Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

  85. This is really a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing and the picture is priceless. Congrats on Freshly Pressed, well deserved.

  86. What a wonderful story! A boy and a tree———- Thanks for sharing this lovely narrative!

  87. Delightful story and such a fun treat to read!

  88. thisismommy says:

    perfect story…..praying that my boys are making similar memories on a daily basis!

  89. banbamama says:

    that is a lovely story. I haven’t told my parents half of the shennanigans myself and my siblings have gotten up to behind their backs.
    I’m glad the hammer didn’t fall back down!
    Well done on being freshly pressed!

  90. camary1996 says:

    You are a great story teller….you should write a book….think about it.

  91. You write extremely well – really enjoyed it. Thanks

  92. jsh0608 says:

    That was a cute and great story of you and your brother!!! :0)

  93. tlf says:

    What a great story! And you told it in such an effortless manner. I may have to read some of your other posts!

    • comingeast says:

      I would love to have you read more. Take a look at my favorites. I’m looking forward to discovering new blogs as I explore the ones from all those people who commented today. Thanks for taking the time.

  94. What lovely storytelling abilities you have! Your poor mother, though…mothers are amazing people, aren’t they? I mean, to put up with some of the stuff we put them through as children. lol.

    Fantastic post and Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

    • comingeast says:

      Thank you so much for your comments. My children were kind enough to keep their antics hidden, so I never knew all the dangerous things they did until they were grown. They saved me years of suffering!

  95. Well would you look at that! You are Freshly Pressed! Well deserved, I might add!

  96. emjayandthem says:

    This was a charming and well written story — and I can just see the panic in your poor mother’s eyes! It takes me back to “adventures” with my 2 brothers & 2 sisters … many of which didn’t end as we’d planned. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!!

    Cheers, MJ

  97. This is so poignant — love the image of your brother scampering up a pine tree. AWESOME!


    • comingeast says:

      Isn’t it funny that we see things so differently when we’re older. My brother and I never thought about the danger he was in, and if my kids had ever pulled a stunt like that, I would have fainted dead away! Thanks so much for your comment.

  98. What a wonderful post! I love the way you tell the story and I now want to go see if the hammer is still in that tree. What a gift to be able to carry such a memory around in your heart all this time. : )

    • comingeast says:

      Your comment nearly made me cry because I never thought of this memory as a gift, but that is surely what it is and others like it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment.

  99. k8edid says:

    Lovely story…I enjoyed it very much. My boys were dare-devil types and gave me plenty of scares. I like to blame my premature gray on them. We didn’t climb trees so much, we lived on a farm and had barns, sheds, other hiding spots. Thanks for sharing this memory.

    • comingeast says:

      Thank you for commenting. Our boys didn’t seem to be daredevils, but I think we just didn’t know what they were up to when they were younger. Sometimes it’s a blessing not to know!

  100. sportsjim81 says:

    What an enjoyable story and post. Stories about random days and the adventures that they hold tend to give me the most joy when reading. Congrats on FP as well!

  101. Another great post and photo. PS. You made it! 🙂

  102. mypajamadays says:

    Papa would have loved your blog. And that picture is precious.

  103. Bill Tucker says:

    You know how I love stories and this is a really good one. Thank you for a great posting.

  104. Robin says:

    Wonderful storytelling. 🙂

    I am reminded that it has been a LONG time since I last climbed a tree.

    • comingeast says:

      I think I might have climbed to the lowest branch of one of our maple trees one time with the help of a ladder, but heights always terrified me. Thanks for your comment.

  105. Mark says:

    And I’m the crazy brother that (use to) climb trees and jump out of airplanes and helicopters. And I love being fodder for my sister!

  106. winsomebella says:

    Great storytelling. Brothers are good fodder for good stories I think! Thanks for sharing this.

  107. My brother used to go really high into the trees as well. Loved this post.

  108. E.C. says:

    Oh my goodness. I’m glad your dare-devil brohter made it down okay. What an fun and scary memory.

  109. bronxboy55 says:

    What a beautiful and well-written story. This was my favorite sentence: “It was his new hammer, the red-headed one that reminded me of the woodpeckers who lived in our pine tree.”

    By the way, I used to live in Fairfield, too. I wonder if we were neighbors.

    • comingeast says:

      Small world! I’m probably considerably older than you, so we most likely didn’t go to school together. We lived in Fairfield from 1953 until 1972, first near Fairfield Beach and then near Sasco. Went to Roger Ludlow High School. Thanks for your nice comment about my writing. It always means so much when it comes from a talented writer like yourself!

  110. So lovely and so well written:
    I love this line: “He’s that little dot way up there at the top.” I pointed.
    And the ending, the way everything comes together is so nice. In my mind’s eye, I can see that red hammer sitting at the top of that tree. I’m so glad I read this today.

  111. Wow once a daredevil always a daredevil huh? I loved your story, and I love the fact that the red headed hammer is still way up in that tree! Hilarious!

    • comingeast says:

      We drive through that old neighborhood every time we go back to Fairfield, Connecticut, where I grew up, and that tree doesn’t look nearly as tall as I thought it was.

      • Ms. H says:

        Things that looked huge to us as children rarely live up to our memory when we see them as adults. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

      • comingeast says:

        Thanks so much. And I know what you mean. I used to think I had a huge bedroom when I was growing up. I returned to that house once when I was older and found it was fairly tiny. Why did it shrink?

  112. Julia says:

    Beautiful memoir! I love the comment reply about what your brother ended up doing — true to his passions, how wonderful! This reminded me of the daredevil things my two kids have done over the years….and I definitely know that being a mom of a daredevil is not NEARLY as much fun as doing daredevil things!

    • comingeast says:

      I don’t think I would have survived being the mother of kids like that. Of course, I have no idea what my kids did that they never told me! Thanks, Julia.

  113. gingerclub says:


    This is a very nice story. Lovely narration. I had a brother like that, well, still have, now he climbs rocks in the same fashion.


    • comingeast says:

      My brother and I have lived far away from each other since the late seventies and now live only two hours away. It’s so nice to have him so close after all these years. Is your brother older than you? Were you close growing up?

    • comingeast says:

      And, dang! I keep clicking on your gingerclub blog and forgetting that it’s all in German!

  114. Sarah Batool says:

    what a wonderful compilation of a beautiful memory!!

  115. Loved it. Your poor mother! My son is a daredevil type too and never fails to make me age a few years with his antics. We don’t have any big trees in our yard, thank goodness!

    • comingeast says:

      I am still pretty wimpy. My brother became a Green Beret and jumped out of airplanes during the Viet Nam war. Then he became curator of mammals at the San Diego Zoo and actually went into jungles and jumped off of snowmobiles in Canada’s Northwest Territories to capture animals for the zoo. Fits his profile, doesn’t it!

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