Thank You, Award Givers

I’ve been dragging my feet on this post because I’m not very good at making decisions, except for things like would I rather have a hamburger or a hot dog at Five Guys for dinner tonight.  Yes.  Anyway, to get back to the point, in the past week, I’ve been honored with two awards, which, as you probably know by now, have requirements to be addressed.  Lisa from Books in the Burbs gave me the Liebster Blog Award.  Lisa is new to blogging, and she has a very interesting site with some good book reviews, always helpful when you’re wondering what to read next.  I certainly appreciate this award, and now I need to pass it on to three to five other bloggers who have a following of less than 300 readers.  I don’t know how to tell if someone gets fewer than 300 hits a day unless they have site stats, so I’m taking a guess here.  This is where I get a knot in my stomach because I can’t stand choosing, there are so many blogs I love.  So I’m just going to go with three or four that come quickly to mind:

1.  Julie Moore On Life.  I love what Julie has to say about herself on her sidebar. Her posts always make me feel good about myself and loved.  Who wouldn’t want that!  And now Julie has started another blog called Pics, Prayers and Pom Poms.  Check it out.

2.  Winsomebella.  I have no idea if this blog has been around for ages and has a zillion followers or gets less than 300 hits a day, so I’m putting it in here just in case it meets the requirement of the Liebster Award and you haven’t found it yet.  Winsomebella has gorgeous pictures, and her writing is like poetry.  Deep, thoughtful posts that always leave me pensive.

3.  Saturday Evening Porch.  S.E.P. is a freelance writer and probably gets a lot of traffic, but she did have stats and I think her numbers should be higher.  She is always entertaining, Fanny Flag-like in some of her humorous posts, and leaves her readers with something to think about or remember about their own lives.

So there you have it for the Liebster Award.  Thanks, Lisa!

One of the reasons I accept the responsibility that comes with most of these awards is that it’s a good way for readers to discover blogs they might not know about.  That’s how I found some that I love, besides looking at bloggers blogrolls, which reminds me that I need to update mine because there are so many I need to add.  I will address my other award another day.  Sure wish I knew how to put those award logos on my sidebar. Where is My Pajama Days when I need her?

About Coming East

I am a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother who thinks you're never too old until you're dead. My inspiration is Grandma Moses who became a successful artist in her late 70's. If I don't do something pretty soon, though, I'll have to find someone older for inspiration.
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37 Responses to Thank You, Award Givers

  1. Pingback: I am Liebster’d and It’s Grand « A Friend to Yourself

  2. Pingback: The Liebster Blog Award! Woohoo! | Inspired Vision

  3. Thanks for the suggestions, I can’t wait to get a moment so that I can check them out.

  4. I’m touched, CE! And honored to be in such great company, with yourself and fellow bloggers. And congrats on your well-deserved award! Flagg’s Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my all time faves so I’m very complimented, thank you.

  5. Patti Ross says:

    Congrats on your award and thanks for the leads of some new posts to explore–when there is not time to read everything, I love having recommendations from those whose posts I enjoy–that’s you!

    Also, thanks for the tips from the comments about posting things to the sidebar! I am rather amazed that the directions actually made sense to me.

  6. Pingback: My New Blog: PICS,PRAYERS, AND POMPOMS – Julie Moore On Life...

  7. E.C. says:

    Congratulations! Your awards are well earned and well deserved!
    ~here’s a standing ovation for you, my friend~

  8. Amy says:

    Wow, two awards! Congratulations! Reading your “Coming East” and a few other blog posts has made me feel enriched and helped me broaden my perspectives. Thank you!

  9. Leah says:

    I love Saturday Evening Porch. She’s on of my favorites and I’ve been following her for a while. Great writer!

  10. You are so sweet Susan/ Thank you so much for mentioning my new blog. You do deserve every award you receive!

  11. winsomebella says:

    Thank you for the support and encouragement comingeast!

  12. Val says:

    Congratulations! You deserve awards, your blog is great! 🙂

    Here’s a way to put the award in your side panel. Go to the post where the image is, right click on it, choose ‘save image as’ and save the image to some where on your computer. Make like you’re going to do a new post for your blog with an image in it and without putting any text in the post, get the image into your post as normal. When you’ve done that and it looks okay, save the post as a draft (don’t click the publish button, you’re only using the post as a way to get the code to put in a widget, and if you want you can delete the draft afterwards. Next, click the ‘HTML’ tab (next to the visual editor) on the New Post page you’re on and you’ll see the image turn into code. Click and drag your cursor over that and copy it (just like copying text normally). Go to ‘Widgets’ in your dashboard (in the ‘Appearance’ part of the side panel there) and grab a text widget for your side panel – drag that to where you want it on the Widget page on the right. Click on the text widget to open it and then paste in your code. Click ‘save’ and with a bit of luck, it’ll be in the side panel. If there are any problems with it, you can return to the draft, and adjust the image via the first media icon in the Visual Editor view (hover your cursor over each icon to see what it’s for), for instance, you can make it smaller. Hope that helps!

  13. Congratulations! I will check the blogs you suggested, thanks.

  14. Ooh, thanks for the new read suggestions – one of which will lead to other new read (book) suggestions! Perfect time of year for you to introduce me to them! Congrats on your awards!

  15. Dor says:

    I love this idea and going to look at every one of your nominations. I think my problem is going to be that I like too many too much and not enough time to do any of them justice.

  16. Nice awards! And I look forward to exploring the two recipients whose blogs are new to me — thanks for the tip!

  17. Margie says:

    Congratulations! I like the idea of an award that goes to bloggers who don’t get a lot of traffic. I have found that it is a long, slow process to find readers (which is why bloggers who are Freshly Pressed feel like they have won the lottery!)
    As for putting your award logos on the sidebar, you can use the Image Widget!

    • comingeast says:

      Is that image widget on my dashboard? I’m going to go there and see if I can figure it out. If you don’t see the images on my sidebar soon, you’ll know I failed miserably. Thanks, Margie.

    • comingeast says:

      Okay, I found the sidebar image widget thing, but it wants me to put in a URL for my image and I have no clue how to get one for the award images. Phooey!

      • Margie says:

        Save your award image onto your computer. Then upload it directly into your WordPress media library. Once it is in your Media Library, click on the image. At the bottom of the information about the image you will see the File URL. Copy that URL, then paste it into your Image Widget. Easy Peasy!

      • comingeast says:

        Great! I’ll get on it tomorrow. Thanks, Margie.

      • comingeast says:

        I followed your directions and voila! You’re right; easy peasy! Thanks, Margie.

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