Waiting for Snow

I’m disappointed. The weather forecasters predicted snow for last night. They were so sure we would get at least an inch or more that many schools already scheduled delayed openings for this morning, my husband’s college included. I must have gotten up at least four times in the middle of the night to look out the window, but not a flake fell in my neighborhood. That’s the price I pay for living on the coast. I’ll bet my brother, living two hours inland from me, got some snow, and he’ll rub it in by showing me pictures and video from his iPad. I’ll pay him back on a hot summer day when I tell him I’m going to the beach. But right now he’s winning.

Our first Texas home with a light dusting of snow.

Our first Texas home with a light dusting of snow. Click to enlarge.

When we moved to San Antonio, snow was one of the things I missed. In the twenty-nine years we lived there, other than a light dusting one day, it snowed only once, and that was a freak snowstorm that dumped fifteen inches on the city. I think it melted the next day, but we sure enjoyed the fluffy white stuff when it was coming down. My husband has a rare picture in his office of the Alamo blanketed in white.


Our big Texas snowfall. Notice my cowboy boots. No Uggs in San Antonio. Click to enlarge.

My children make snowballs and show off icicles before the snow melts.

My children make snowballs and show off icicles before the snow melts. Click to enlarge.

Since I grew up in Connecticut, I had my share of snow days. Snuggled beneath my Hudson Bay striped wool blanket, shrouded in darkness, I could hear my mother tiptoe into the room and come to the edge of the bed. “Snow day. No school today.” How delicious to stay hunkered down in the warmth instead of dragging myself out of bed into the chilly dawn room to dress for school. When we finally emerged from our cocoons, my mother would have hot cocoa and a steaming bowl of Maypo (an old brand of maple oatmeal) waiting for us. Then we’d pile on the coats, boots, hats and mittens and head outside into the white wonderland.

Outside our igloo with my brother (standing) and two neighborhood children.  I'm on the left of my mother.

Outside our igloo with my brother (standing) and two neighborhood children. I’m on the left of my mother. Click to enlarge.

My brother and I once made an igloo during a particularly heavy snowfall.  I still remember climbing inside and being amazed that it really was warmer inside than I thought it would be.  My children, born in the Northeast but raised in Texas, never got to experience this except that one time. Poor, deprived children.

And poor, deprived hubby. His parting words, as he headed out into the icy air for his drive to work, were, “This should have been a snow day.”

About Coming East

I am a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother who thinks you're never too old until you're dead. My inspiration is Grandma Moses who became a successful artist in her late 70's. If I don't do something pretty soon, though, I'll have to find someone older for inspiration.
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40 Responses to Waiting for Snow

  1. Al says:

    What irony that it is snowing as I finally get around to reading this!

  2. Jiawei says:

    For the past three years we’ve been in Shanghai, I haven’t seen a tiny flake of snow!
    Love your posts of reminiscence! Your young family is adorable! Thanks for sharing your snow pics and memories.

  3. Amy says:

    The change in Fredericksburg is for the good, unique handcraft shops, art galleries, quilts, great restaurants, beautiful walkways… Such a charm town.

  4. Maypo!! Haven’t thought of that in years. I miss snow. We had an inch of snow the first winter we moved here. It was wonderful. I could go for a few inches, and a fire in the fireplace and cocoa, and snuggling. Thanks for this post. DAF

    • Coming East says:

      Snow is always nice, DAF, if you can stay home. If we had more than an inch here in Virginia Beach, everything would shut down because they have very little snow removal equipment. My sweet hubby could use a snow day after all the work we did yesterday on wallpaper removal.

  5. I always love your old photos, as well. We lived in Florida awhile back–Texas sounds the same. I love being around Florida folks when it snows here–it’s like pure magic in their eyes.

  6. I’ve put a lot of logs on the fire but no snow. The kids in Dallas have quite different weather from us. It seems like every other week, my daughter is saying it “might snow tonight” or it “did snow.”
    Year before last school and work closed for a week in D.

  7. Amy says:

    San Antonio had a big snow storm in 2007, were you here? We have not had another storm since.

    • Coming East says:

      Yes, Amy, we left in 2008, but we didn’t get any snow in the part of town I lived in. I don’t even remember that storm. I think you live on the northwest side, don’t you?

      • Amy says:

        Yep. It lasted for two days with freezing rain at night…, I didn’t know only the northwest side got snow. We went to the Enchanted Rock yesterday, had to wait one hour to get in. People had to waited more than 2 hours in the afternoon. Fredericksburg was packed too, the town is really different now…

      • Coming East says:

        In all the years we lived there, I never got to Enchanted Rock, Amy. My kids did on various field trips. How has Fredericksburg changed? For the good, I hope.

  8. pattisj says:

    Hang in there, George, it’s Friday–you can stay home tomorrow. (Maybe?)
    I would have thought you’d have snow, Susan, living in the “higher elevations” of VB. My daughter was in the 6-12″ band, but got none. She is NOT HAPPY with the meteorologists!
    You look great in your cowboy boots. Love your curly hair. Thanks for sharing your snowy pix.

  9. Loved reading about your childhood memories of maypo and hot cocoa. I remember sitting on my gram’s old radiator waiting for our socks to melt as we sipped our cocoa. Such good memories. It just snowed here and it was the best kind, light and fluffy but with just enough water to make a good snowman. My kids are in heaven.

  10. Mark says:

    Well we did get a few inches last night and it looked beautiful in the morning’s brilliant sun. But it’s melting now. When we lived in upstate New York we sometimes experienced 180 inches of snowfall annually and minus 30 degree cold snaps. One January it never got above zero the whole month. We had 4WD and snowblowers but more importantly we were YOUNGER and could handle it. On the radio last night the VDOT spokesperson said their goal was to have all the primary roads cleared within 48 hours of the start of the snow. In upstate New York the goal was to have all of the roads cleared all of the time. And they did it. Of course that meant no school closings!

    • Coming East says:

      No school closings? My poor niece and nephew! I would love to see snow once in awhile, but I don’t think I could have handled as much snow and as much cold for as long as you had it in upstate New York.

  11. Love this post. We are having a “snow day” here in (my part of) the UK. Schools closed… husbands home from work and the town strangely quiet. Kids are delighted to be off school; they’re making an igloo!

    • Coming East says:

      Love picturing your snow day, Lindsay, and I bet everyone is happy to have a change of pace. I love how the world is so quiet when you walk out into the snow if a lot has fallen. It dampens the sound and makes everything so quiet. Enjoy your day!

  12. lulu says:

    Yes, we heard there might be a touch of white in Houston, too, but it didn’t happen. I’m sure lots of people were disappointed as snow or ice completely shuts this town down as I’m sure would be the case in San Antonio.

  13. I hear you! Winter isn’t the same as it was when I was growing up in CT. We’ve had only a tiny bit of snow in NJ and it’s not the same– it disappears soon and just makes a mess. I like my seasons to be seasons– not blurred together. I like cold, want to wear sweaters and then have spring, summer, fall. Global warming for sure.

  14. Salman Alvi says:

    Move to where I reside and you’ll discover the winter wonderland we experience, at least for today that is.

  15. Love the snow photos and the memory of hearing those magical words “it’s a snow day” from our mothers mouths. I remember a time when my son left the house just like your husband…lol. Snow days do not have age restrictions. My son wore his pj’s inside out just like his teacher ordered to ensure a big snow, only to wake up to zilch. I have no doubt he pointed out her huge mistake when he got to class.

  16. Dianna says:

    Love the (old) photos! No snow for us here at home either. But hubby says there’s a dusting about 2 miles away! Have a good weekend, Susan. Thanks for sharing your snow day memories.

    • Coming East says:

      Aw, no snow for you either, Dianna? I’m still waiting to hear from my brother. I’m sure he’ll FaceTime me if he got any in Chester. Have a good weekend, too. Stay warm!

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